7 social media marketing platforms you should know about

7 Powerful Social Media Marketing Services

Social media marketing, or SMM services is a form of internet marketing that involves creating and sharing content on social media networks in order to achieve your marketing and branding goals. Social media marketing includes activities like posting text and image updates, videos, and and other content that drives audience engagement, as well as paid social media advertising.
We’ve created this post to provide you with an introduction to social media marketing. Here are the top social media marketing platforms that is essential to grow your business.

Analysis of the social media marketing platforms:

Facebook Marketing:
Today, the world’s largest social network can do things many of us would never have dreamed of 10 years ago. Facebook has almost 2 billion daily active users . Let’s put that in perspective. That’s nearly 8X the population of the United States, 40% of the world population. The average user spends at least 60 mints on Facebook. Use Facebook marketing service as a powerful tool to enhance your business.

Instagram Marketing:


Instagram sees over one billion active monthly users and 500 million daily Instagram Stories.60% of adults online use Instagram, including 35% of adults in the U.S. However there is 80 percent of the Instagram users are from outside USA. There are 25 million business profiles on Instagram.80% of Instagram users follow at least one business, and 72% of users say they've purchased a product they've see on the platform. By seeing the above figure of the Instagram marketing services. It can be a very powerful tool to enhance someone business and target the required audience.

Twitter Marketing: 
Twitter marketing has become a complicated channel for even the savviest social marketers.With over 321 million monthly active users, it’s easy to see why companies keep using Twitter after all of this time. That is why twitter can be a essential part of your social media marketing strategies.

Youtube Marketing:

YouTube has always been a source of entertaining content, but it’s also staking its claim as an essential tool for marketers. In fact, nearly half of all marketers (48%) plan to add YouTube to their marketing strategy over the next 12 months . The platform is so extensive that it can be accessed in 76 different languages, accounting for 95% of the world’s population. About 1.2 billion people use you tube for watching videos. It can be effective to reach your target audience through YouTube marketing.

Pinterest Marketing: 

About 317 million users are using pinterest on monthly basis.Pinterest pins are 100 times more spreadable than a tweet, with the retweet average hitting only 1.4%. And, as for Facebook, the half-life of a pin is 1,6000x longer than a Facebook post. If an increase of 27% in Pinterest accounts of Fortune 500 companies over the last year (including Exxon Mobile, Wal-Mart, and Apple) isn’t an indication that your business should be joining the 250 million total users. Thus using pinterest as a social media marketing could a very effective approach to converts leads into sales.

linkedin Marketing:

About 675 million professionals are using linkedin platform. People meet each other on linkedin for jobs, meeting and for the productivity, linkedin is also known as the number 1 sales generation platform. It can be effective to grow your business. Thus using Linkedin as a social media marketing could a very effective approach to converts leads into sales.

Whatsapp marketing:

When you think of social media, sites like Facebook and Twitter probably come to mind immediately. But messenger apps have actually caught up to social networks in terms of users.The leader in most of the world is WhatsApp with 1.5 billion monthly active users around the world. ts support for a wide range of phones has made it especially popular in areas with high SMS charges, including Brazil, Mexico, USA  etc , where 60 percent of the population uses WhatsApp. In fact, it’s the most popular alternative to SMS in 109 countries, or 55.6 percent of the world. Hence using whats app as a social media marketing could a very effective approach to converts leads into sales.



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